We Are The Premium Cigar of the Month Club

We Rate Over 12,000 Cigars Each Year. We smoke a lot of bitter, harsh, improperly aged and poorly constructed cigars so you don’t have to. Less than 5% of those considered ever make it to you. I invite you to find out what we’re all about below.
portrait picture of Monthlyclubs president Kris Calef holding a cigar

Kris Calef

President and Founder

kris calef signature
Cigar Selection Panel

Two Distinct Boutique Cigar Clubs to Fit Any Palate

Our original and most popular club since 1994, The Original Premium Cigar Club™ has earned us our reputation for delivering exceptional quality at outstanding values. When only the best will do, Rare Cigar Club™ members get a portfolio of four hand-rolled, rare, small-batch cigars each month that retail from $12-25 each from the world's top producers.

Quality Cigars and Customer Service

Consistent High Quality Products and Top Rated Customer Service

We’ve been a family-owned and run cigar delivery business for 30 years now. The Premium Cigar of the Month Club™ is managed today on the same core principals that we were founded on in 1994. We’re dedicated to consistently delivering quality, variety, and outstanding values. We’re committed to building strong relationships with our valued customers and to offering responsive, effective customer service from a trustworthy company.

We’re Passionate About the Exploration and Discovery of Premium Cigars

We take great pleasure and pride in being a big part of fostering exploration as our members try brands and cigars they’ve never tried before. We get fired up when our customers tell us about discovering a new favorite cigar, even though they thought they were set in their ways. In the early years, we attended countless festivals all over the country signing up new members one at a time, giving away cigars as incentives, smoking them ourselves and often drinking craft beers while listening to live blues. It’s a fun industry. We love being part of it and being at the forefront of discovering new and exciting cigars ourselves.

Inspecting tobacco on location

MonthlyClubs.com® and our Design Your Own Club™ Program

The Premium Cigar of the Month Club™ is one of 6 clubs offered by MonthlyClubs.com™. Our Design Your Own Club program allows you to combine our cigar, beer, wine, cheese, chocolate and flower clubs into a single customized membership and send whatever you want to send, whenever you want to send it.


The International
Wine of the Month Club

Choose between four unique wine clubs, which offer 2 bottles of red wine, white wine, or one of each in every shipment.


The Premium
Cigar of the Month Club

Each month, you or your gift recipient will receive 4-5 high-quality premium and rare cigars from today’s top cigar makers.


The Gourmet
Cheese of the Month Club

Each month, members will receive three ½-pound blocks of artisanal and fresh rare cheeses selected from the world’s leading cheesemakers.

The Gourmet
Chocolate of the Month Club

Each box of handmade gourmet chocolate comes from famous chocolatiers dedicated to quality and flavor.


The Fresh Cut
Flower of the Month Club

Receive a stunning bouquet of freshly cut, professionally designed floral arrangements full of seasonal flowers every month.


The Microbrewed
Beer of the Month Club

Discover excellent craft beers, international beers, hoppy beers, and rare beers through our five monthly beer clubs.

We are an Environmentally Conscious Organization

We use 100% recyclable packaging, installed a solar array at our corporate office in 2008 that generates nearly all of our power, and strive to work with vendors that are like-minded.

Customer Testimonials

"I have enjoyed each and every shipment. Your choices have been exceptional."

Richard Carver

Richard Carver, WY

"In all the time I have been with them, they've sent me excellent cigars from all over the globe."

Bob Turnbull

Bob Turnbull, SK Canada

"Thanks so much for consistently providing extremely high quality cigars every month."

Caleb Shoenhard

Caleb Shoenhard, DC

" It's the perfect program for a novice cigar smoker, or a veteran."

David Fuchs

David Fuchs, MO

"To celebrate, I decided to share some of my monthly selections with the boys..."

Kevin Peterson

Kevin Peterson, IN

Read more testimonials
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars

Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars

Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.


phone icon Responsive Customer Service

Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team will help you with any questions. You may also place orders over the phone.


Mon-Fri: 7am - 4pm PT

better business bureau logo A-plus Rated Customer Service

Assuring satisfaction to over 2,000,000 CUSTOMERS since 1994 has earned us an A-plus rating from the BBB. A BBB Accredited business since 10/05/2005

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our 100% satisfaction guarantee ensures that every item you purchase at The Premium Cigar of the Month Club meets your high standards or we will replace it or refund your purchase.