Astral cigars are handmade in the cigar making Mecca of Danli, Honduras. This acclaimed and highly recognized brand has long been known for its mild-to-medium body and dependably high quality production. Typically these cigars feature an Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut shade wrapper which gives an elegant appearance and smooth espresso and cream flavors. In 2002, two special shapes were developed for the House of Oxford—one of them being the Phoenix. Characteristic of the line, it is a mild-to-medium bodied cigar, but it is set apart from its brethren by a slightly sweet, thick Indonesian (Cameroon) wrapper. We’ve featured this cigar in the past, but not quite this much of it. The double corona is a massive smoke that will provide you with ample smoking time to fully enjoy this tremendous cigar (plan on 75-90 minutes). Smoke volume is quite large, providing aromatic woody notes in the burn, delivered through an easygoing draw. Note the sweet earthy notes that follow cedar aromas in the opening, all brought to a close with a slightly spicy, gently sweet woody finish. Astral has been consistently highly rated in Cigar Aficionado and Smoke Magazine and we know that you're going to enjoy this well-made stogie. Overall, a great smoke that is complemented nicely with an oak-heavy chardonnay.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.