The Casa Magna line of cigars is the creation of two of the greatest minds in the cigar industry: Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia. The Robusto was named “Cigar of the Year” in 2008 by Cigar Aficionado and rated “92” by both Cigar Insider and Cigar Aficionado. This medium-to-full-bodied stogie is a joy to smoke. Rolled in in Nestor Plascencia's Segovia factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, its availability is limited so we’re especially pleased to feature it this month. The Oscuro variety is crafted with a dark and lush Honduran Oscuro wrapper that conceals a bold mixture of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan and Honduran long-fillers. It’s secured by a Cuban-seed Honduran binder. With nice even cut lines, a handsome cap and a few medium sized veins that are smooth to the touch, the cigar is a beauty. Prior to rolling, all the tobaccos are extensively aged and fermented to perfection. After rolling, the cigars are again aged—this time in cedar vaults producing an eventful bouquet of dark tobacco flavors, rich notes of earth, wood, and a slightly sweet touch of licorice. Expect a nice draw, an abundance of thick smoke and expect it to burn slow and cool. Look for some dark fruity flavors—think raisins or prunes—and notes of dark chocolate. A stick this good warrants a top shelf, smoky single malt such as Laphroaig or Lagavulin.
The Nicaraguan cigar industry originated when Cuban cigar makers escaped the revolution and re-established their livelihood in Nicaragua with Cuban-seed tobacco. Blessed with dark, rich soil, their new home was ideal for tobacco cultivation and Nicaragua quickly became known for cigars that rivaled Cuban quality. Unfortunately, revolution and war came to Nicaragua in the 1980s and devastated the industry, but it’s rebounded dramatically and is once again producing tobacco considered by many to be the finest in the world.
The Esteli Valley is in many ways the heart of Nicaraguan production and is known for its very powerful and spicy tobacco. The Jalapa Valley produces arguably the finest tobacco in the country: somewhat sweeter and less intense than Esteli, but extremely complex. The tobacco of the Condega Valley is often described as a blend of the other two regions.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.