The Cibao Cigar line is produced by the Tabacalera Palma cigar factory, located on the Dominican Republic's Northern Coast. The line takes its name from the fertile Cibao Valley region, long known for its ability to produce top quality filler tobaccos. Cibao cigars are made with expertly blended aged Dominican grown Olor binder and Cuban seed Piloto filler grown on the factory's own farm in what is consider to be the best region of the Cibao Valley. The line is offered in two wrappers, one of which is a carefully selected U.S. Connecticut shade which creates a magnificent blend when married with full-tasting Dominican filler tobaccos. You'll also get to try one of two cigars currently offered in highly coveted Cameroon wrapper leaf. A different smoke altogether, but every bit as satisfying.
In addition to the smokes featured this month, the balance of the line is comprised of a mini puro, petite corona, robusto, toro, churchill, presidente, gigante. The Cibao line is currently not widely distributed and was recently rated an 89 in Cigar Aficionado. Tabacalera Palma has been producing premium hand made cigars for more than 50 years and we know you'll appreciate that experience when you smoke this month's selections.
Immediately note an aesthetically pleasing, smooth, silky, dark reddish-brown Cameroon wrapper. It's begging you to light it! We found Cibao's Lonsdale to be an exceptionally well-crafted cigar. It begins mild-to-medium, and builds steadily in strength as you smoke. Note plenty of smoke, and even burn and relatively easy draw. Look for a distinct cedar and slightly dry spiciness, true to Dominican style. Overall, a very rich and flavorful medium-bodied smoke. We really liked and think you will too. Consider pairing it with a pinot noir or thick Scottish Ale.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.