A relatively new brand which was introduced only in 1968, Cohiba quickly became the flagship brand of the Cuban cigar industry. Developed initially as a medium bodied protocol cigar for presentation only by officials of the Cuban government, Cohiba was marketed widely beginning in 1982. The brand was initially made in the El Laguito factory in Havana, but production is now also in the Fernando Perez German factory. It is now also produced in the Dominican Republic by two separate entities, General cigar, who owns the trademark for the name in the U.S., and by Monecristi de Tabacos, who holds Trademark for Cohiba in the Dominican Republic. Our panel favored the Monecristi series.
Look for an aesthetically rustic, inviting medium-brown wrapper in this well constructed cigar. We found the draw to be firm, but quite adequate, offering an even, nice firm white ash indicating properly aged tobacco. Note a medium-full pleasantly spicy aroma. The flavor is that of a true Dominican product, full of taste, a hint of woodiness and offering plenty of spicy pepper characteristics. Overall, we really liked this smoke. It's well balanced, well constructed and packed with flavor. Pair it with your favorite Single Malt Scotch.
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