Considered the pinnacle of Cuban cigars, Cohiba is now also rolled in the Domincan Republic. The Cuban version was initially developed as a medium-bodied protocol cigar for presentation only by officials of the Cuban government. In 1982, however, Cohiba began widely marketing the brand. The initial sizes were the Lancero, the Corona Especiale and the Panetela, with the Esplendido, Robusto and Exquisito added in 1989. The Cohiba series was initially made in the El Laguito factory in Havana, but is now also produced at the Fernando Perez German factory. Quite a few myths surround the Cohiba brand including one that relates directly to its name that was said to be the aboriginal Taino Indian word for "tobacco," but is now understood to have meant "cigar." While the Cuban and Dominican versions are certainly different (besides the fact that one is legal and one is not), any lover of the leaf will enjoy both.
A medium bodied cigar with a nice dark wrapper, everyone was eager to light up and puff away. Spicy, but not terribly, and sweet, but not too sweet, made this a well-balanced smoke that provided all the happiness a quality smoke should.
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