You may not have heard of Cuban master cigar maker Tony Alvarez, but you once you have one of his cigars, you know that he is an expert. In Cuba, he grew and rolled tobacco for the likes of Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, and even Montecristo, but eventually fled Cuba and ended up in Miami. Over the years, he ran his own business, but after selling interest in his company he headed down to Nicaragua and opened a small factory. Today, all of his cigars are made by hand, with many of them being hand-rolled by Alvarez himself. Even if he personally doesn’t roll them, nothing leaves his factory without him personally inspecting each one, and that includes the stunning smoke you have in your shipment today. This attractive smoke is a looker with dual maduro and natural Nicaraguan wrappers to create a barber pole style. Inside is a core of premium Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. Mild to medium in body, enjoy notes of cream, coffee, and cocoa with hints of spice. Dressed to impress, smoke this unique cigar with your favorite red wine.
The Nicaraguan cigar industry originated when Cuban cigar makers escaped the revolution and re-established their livelihood in Nicaragua with Cuban-seed tobacco. Blessed with dark, rich soil, their new home was ideal for tobacco cultivation and Nicaragua quickly became known for cigars that rivaled Cuban quality. Unfortunately, revolution and war came to Nicaragua in the 1980s and devastated the industry, but it’s rebounded dramatically and is once again producing tobacco considered by many to be the finest in the world.
The Esteli Valley is in many ways the heart of Nicaraguan production and is known for its very powerful and spicy tobacco. The Jalapa Valley produces arguably the finest tobacco in the country: somewhat sweeter and less intense than Esteli, but extremely complex. The tobacco of the Condega Valley is often described as a blend of the other two regions.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
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Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.