This Toro was created by Rocky from the Indian Tabac Company and Augusto Reyes. The Indian Tabac Company is know for producing full-bodied cigars, while Augusto Reyes has an outstanding reputation as one of the finer cigar men in the Dominican Republic. The two of them created a truly unique cigar. Their goal with this cigar was to create a powerhouse of a cigar, yet mellow enough to eliminate any harshness. The filler is Nicaraguan Ligero leaf, wrapped with a dark Brazilian Maduro wrapper. Quite often, a cigar's strength is associated with harshness. While this is a strong cigar, it is by no means harsh. It is one of the most full-bodied, complex, and powerful cigars that can be found.
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Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.