German banker Herman Upmann founded H. Upmann Cigars in Havana back in 1844. Now celebrating 162 years in the business of creating premium cigars, the brand is beyond legendary. Their first Dominican-produced brand to hit the states surfaced in 1975; this original H. Upmann line used rare Cameroon wrappers, as does this month's selection, which was introduced in 2003. The rich, medium-bodied flavor and retro look are intentionally reminiscent of 1950s Cuba. We found the draw effortless, providing plumes of smoke that were in sharp contrast to the nearly dormant character displayed between draws. The blend of Olor & Cuban-seed Piloto Cubano and choice Indonesian wrapper give this cigar a medium-bodied intensity, while a three-country blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan and Peruvian tobaccos provides additionally superb complexity. Look for pleasant tobacco flavors with a mix of sweetened spices and light pepper. Expect minor notes of clove and a tremendous ash that will grow to over an inch before letting go. We suggest smoking this earlier in the day with a hearty German Helles Lager, as Herman Upmann himself might have.
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