Choose From 2 Distinct Cigar Club Membership Types Below
Each shipment includes:
- Our original and most popular cigar club for over 25 years has earned us our reputation for delivering exceptional quality at outstanding values.
- Five hand-rolled, premium cigars with retail values between $6-$12 per cigar.
- A wide variety of shapes, sizes, and tobacco blends, hand-crafted by limited production, boutique manufacturers as well as from highly-rated, super-premium brands.
- Cigars from the world’s most respected, top producing regions in Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
- Tasting notes, cigar specifications, cigar maker profiles, and suggested drink pairings.
$34.95 /mo.
plus $5.00 shipping
Each shipment includes:
- When only the best will do, Rare Cigar Club™ members will receive four hand-rolled, rare, small-batch cigars each month.
- Extremely limited production cigars, made with the highest quality aged tobaccos, and typically boasting retail values between $12-$25 per cigar.
- Cigars from the world’s most respected, top producers and regions in Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
- A wide variety of shapes, sizes, and tobacco blends from boutique manufacturers as well as highly-rated, super-premium brands.
- Tasting notes, cigar specifications, cigar maker profiles, and suggested drink pairings.
$49.95 /mo.
plus $5.00 shipping
Combine a Cigar Club Membership
Combine a Cigar Club
With any, or all, of our 6 Monthly Clubs
Design Your Own ClubOur Cigar Rating Panel Rates Over 12,000 Cigars Each Year to Ensure Quality & Variety
We rate each cigar for proper construction, appearance, aroma, smoke volume and overall impression and flavor profile and we make sure each consistently burns right and has a proper draw. Less than 5% of those considered ever make it to you.
98% of Our Customers Highly Recommend Us
For more than 20 years, we've differentiated ourselves in many ways, striving simply to offer the best service in the market. And we're confident that you'll agree we've met that goal. Here's why.
Quality, Variety and A+ Rated Customer Service
Since 1994, we've differentiated The Premium Cigar of the Month Club™ in many ways, striving simply to offer the best service in the market. We're confident that you'll agree we've met that goal.
We Rate Over 12,000 Hand-Rolled Cigars Each Year Ensuring Quality
It’s true. We really do it. With nine members on our expert panel, it works out to be about 3-4 cigars a day per panel member. Each cigar is rated for appearance, aroma, proper construction, smoke volume, flavor profile and overall impression. We look for a consistent, even burn and easy draw. Less than 5% of those considered ever make it to our members.
A Wide Variety in Each Shipment at Outstanding Values
Each shipment contains five different hand-rolled cigars that vary by ring gauge, length and shape, wrapper leaf type, tobacco blend, and flavor profile. You’ll enjoy cigars from top producing regions in Nicaragua, Honduras and Dominican Republic. Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional values on highly rated cigars such as Rocky Patel’s Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.
Responsive, Reliable, Customer Service From a Trustworthy Company
From our inception, our founders have instilled a strong sense of dedication to consistently delivering responsive, effective customer service. It’s earned us an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, one we’ve maintained since 1994.
We’ve Built Strong Relationships with Top Cigar Manufacturers
Our panel members have visited literally every cigar manufacturer in Central and South America building strong, long-lasting relationships. That’s allowed us to create and fine tune blends and offer exclusive selections to our members, such as the expertly crafted, 6x60 Diesel Grind Perfecto.
Our Design Your Own Club™ Program Allows You to Create a Custom Membership
Combine a Cigar Club membership with any of our other monthly clubs into one membership. Choose from our Beer, Wine, Cheese, Chocolate or Flower Clubs.
Meet the Cigar Makers, and Appreciate the Cigars Through Our Monthly Newsletter
Each shipment includes, The Society Brief, introducing you to each featured cigar maker, offering detailed cigar profiles including tasting notes for each cigar, and suggested alcohol pairings.
Flexible Ordering Allowing You to Manage to Your Budget
Gift and personal memberships are available from 2-12 months or on a open-ended, month to month basis. You may receive or give shipments every month, every other, quarterly, or even on specific months you choose. Pay in one installment or monthly.
Reorder Your Favorites at Significantly Discounted Prices
You’re going to want more. And when you do, you’ll find our reorder prices outrageously low. Easily reorder your favorite cigars toll free or online.