The first thing to note about the Lempira line of premium Dominican cigars is that it offers a very complex blend of select tobaccos. The filler alone contains tobacco from three different countries - Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. Dominican ligero is used generously and it comes through in the flavor of this tasty smoke. It sports an Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut seed shade leaf wrapper and the binder is from Honduran Havana-seed tobaccos. Lempira is manufactured in Nestor Plascencia's factory in Honduras, but produced by the Pedro Martin family. Pedro's experience making cigars goes back more than 74 years (he was rolling cigars at age 7) and between he and Nestor, you've got well over a century of expertise into this brand. Look for a medium bodied cigar with hints of cedar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. This smoke has a lot going on and you'd be best off setting aside a good hour to enjoy its complex flavor profile. We'd recommend pairing it with your favorite Cabernet Sauvignon or dry stout.
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