General cigar has been delivering high-quality cigars since 1848 including such greats as Bolivar, Cifuentas, Cohiba, Partagas, Punch, and Macanudo, a mild-bodied stogie which is the top-selling cigar brand in the U.S. Perhaps it’s because they live up to their appellation; in Spanish "macanudo" means "best of the best," or "first-rate”. Perhaps it’s because they’re consistently mild and pleasant with exceptional construction. These hand-rolled sticks are a blend of Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers, plus a U.S. Connecticut Broadleaf binder married with a dark, shade-grown Connecticut wrapper. They have a bolder taste than some of Macanudo’s other offerings but they’re still a mild-bodied cigar. Look for an “airy” almost menthol type of flavor which becomes a little richer and toastier half-way through. You could smoke a half-dozen of these at your Father’s Day cook-out or take even more on a canoeing or sailing day trip. The aroma is so pleasant your non-smoking companions may find themselves moving closer to enjoy it. We'd suggest pairing it with your favorite Pale Ale or Chardonnay.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.