This cigar line was first introduced in the US over six years ago. It was one of only 12 cigars sold at each of the five Grand Havana Rooms, one of the more highly exclusive cigar clubs in the country. The Mayorga cigar line was founded by Nicaraguan-born brothers Carlos and Martin Mayorga. The cigar factory, which is located in Esteli, Nicaragua, just four hours north of Managua, Nicaragua’s capitol, employs 60 rollers and produces about 300,000 cigars per month. The cigars are aged in cedar lined rooms to provide a perfect balance of flavor and consistency. Lending a slightly sweet spiciness, the Sumatran Seed Indonesian wrapper is dark, oily, and rich in flavor. Look for a complex spiciness, with hints of toasted nuts and coffee, in the flavor with a good woody finish. Overall, n excellent full-bodied smoke with a rich, creamy body. Consider pairing this with your favorite single malt scotch or brandy.
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