The founder of The Felipe Gregorio factory in the Dominican Republic, Philip Wynne was born and raised in Switzerland. Because he grew up in Europe where Cuban cigars were legal, he went into the cigar business with a desire to produce cigars similar to the many Cuban brands with which he grew up. Some of Felipe Gregorio's creations rank among the finest and most expensive top-tier handmades in the world—Pelo de Oro and Power come to mind. But their Memoria de Cuba is proof you don't have to spend top-dollar to enjoy the quality and consistency of their cigars. The artfully balanced blend, sporting a stunning Connecticut shade leaf wrapper, consists of aged Dominican long-leaf tobaccos. Expect a smooth, hearty, flavorful, medium-bodied smoke with slight hints of spice and a distinct leathery flavor. Well-constructed, the cigar burns well, never getting hot or overly harsh. Enjoy Memoria de Cuba with Balvenie or your favorite musky, single malt scotch.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
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Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.