Montecristo stands for quality, flavor, and consistency among both cigar aficionados and the top manufacturers in the world. Not surprisingly, it has become one of the most recognized brands worldwide. From its humble beginnings in the early 20th century through today, the brand has exploded into a variety of line extensions in both Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
"Noche" means "night" in Spanish and Media Noche, one of the more recent releases from Montecristo, is one dark cigar! Roll it between your fingertips and feel the soft, silky texture of its Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper. Then take a whiff. If you were lucky enough to have been on a farm in your childhood, the sweet pre-lit aroma, with its slight barnyard influence, may trigger warm memories. Packed solidly, the medium-bodied cigar features a blend of tri-country fillers—tobaccos from Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Settle in with this stogie on a cold winter's night and discover a veritable chimney that fills the palate with thick, chewy smoke and leaves billowy clouds overhead. The burn, somewhat slow, creates a dark grey ash that's a bit flaky but strong. The smoke is leathery in character with toasty notes. A hint of cedar sneaks in just before a sweet, long aftertaste takes center stage. Rich and cool down to the last inch, the Media Noche finishes with such a bang it creeps into the full-bodied realm. A full tawny port or VSOP Cognac are the only way to match this stogie's prowess.
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