Oliveros Perez, originally from Spain and founder of Oliveros Cigars, began his cigar-manufacturing career in Cuba in 1927. In 1962, Oliveros, like so many other cigar innovators, left Cuba after the communist takeover of the nation. However, he took with him selected premium tobacco seeds from his own crop to continue his work in the Dominican Republic. His work was recognized the world over and he was invited to join the Institute del Tobacco to instruct others in the process of “piloto cubano”, the germination and development of Cuban tobacco seeds. Oliveros’ legacy continues to demand that tobaccos be selected and aged with utmost care before expert cigar rollers perform their mastery and create this premium cigar. This toro is constructed with a blend of long filler, Cuban seed Dominican and sweet Brazilian leaves with a Connecticut shade wrapper. Look for well-aged flavor and aromatic cedar notes in combination with deep, cognac flavor notes from this cigar’s infusion with Kelt Cognac (which is achieved through a painstaking, time-consuming process). Consider pairing it with a single malt scotch or, more complementary if you can find it, Kelt cognac.
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