Produced in the town of Tamboril, Dominican Republic, the Oro Dominicano cigar line begins with some of the world's finest aged tobaccos. Their fillers and binders are blends of tobaccos grown in the Dominican's Cibao Valley and San Victor Moca. In fact, Oro Dominicano Cigars are made from the same tobaccos supplied to Tabacos Dominicanos, S.A., makers of Davidoff, Avo and other more widely recognizable premium brands. All Oro Dominicano cigars are a blend of Cubano Piloto in both Lijero and Seco as well as Olor Dominicano used as the trippa or filler. The capote or binders on are also Dominican and the line's wrapper is primarily offered in the finest grade 3 yr. old Connecticut Shade. All tobacco used is properly aged and cured, each cigar spends forty-five days on the shelf in the factory in Tamboril before being packed and shipped.
This line was created to meet the critical taste of Jose Luis Fernandez, a legendary Cuban Ex-patriot who began rolling cigars there at the age of 12. After fleeing Cuba in 1965, Jose sought and found employment in the Dominican Republic as a production supervisor for a small Dominican Cigar factory. In 1995, the opportunity arose for Fernandez to create his own blend which you will have the opportunity to sample this month. We really liked this cigar line, finding each sample smoked to be aged properly, extremely well-constructed and offering a true classic Dominican smoking experience.
For more information about the Oro Dominicano Cigar Line, email: [email protected].
Look for an aesthetically beautiful Connecticut Shade wrapper on this well constructed, medium-bodied Dominican cigar. We found the draw to be consistent and firm. Note a sharp, pleasantly pungent aroma. The flavor is complex, offering hints of rich spiciness and coffee. We found the aftertaste to be clean and non-obtrusive. Overall, a great little tasty solid robusto. Very well balanced and an appealingly interesting complex taste. Consider pairing it up with a full-bodied Merlot.
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