The Purofino Gold and Blue Label cigars are manufactured entirely by hand in the mountainous heart of Spanish Honduras' lush Jamastram Valley, and represent a tradition of more than two decades of experience in the art of creating the finest, premium quality cigars possible. While being made in the hands of Honduran Master Cigar Makers, all three blends featured this month are brought together from a complex spectrum of individually selected tobaccos from select growing regions in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Ecuador, where their Sumatran-seed wrappers are produced. Much of the tobacco used in both lines is grown on Purofino's plantations located in the Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua. Tobacco obtained from Costa Rica, Mexico and Ecuador are also cured and processed at the Jalapa Valley plantation.
Purofino's Gold Label line is a rich, complex five-tobacco blend of Nicaraguan Habano (Cuban Havana seed) long filler, combined with select leaves of the finest sweet Morron tobaccos, from San Andreas, Mexico, which is then wrapped in a premium, Sumatran Capa Rosada, grown in the tropical valleys of southern Ecuador. The Blue line is rolled with a sweetly mysterious blend of six assorted leaves from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico and comes in a premium, naturally cured, demi-maduro Sumatran Capa Oscuro wrapper, grown in southern Ecuador.
Purofino has recently introduced its new flagship cigar line, the DOM series which we know you're going to really like. Under development since May 1996, the DOM is a select blend of three fifth cut ligero leaves from the Jalapa Valley in Nicaragua and the San Victor valley in the Dominican Republic, and one seco leaf from each region. The cigar uses a Pennsylvania Broadleaf binder which really ads to it's strength and is wrapped in a 3 yr. aged, naturally fermented Connecticut Broadleaf Double Maduro wrapper. The DOM Petite Belicoso featured this month received ratings as high as any we've ever featured and we know you're going to really enjoy it. For more information about Purofino cigars, call 505-989-4250 or visit their web site at:
We found all of the Purofino cigars to be expertly crafted and the Piramide is no exception. Look for an effortless draw and consistent, even burn. Note a medium-bodied smoke that is slightly lighter and sweeter than the Gold Label Corona Real you'll also try. The added Costa Rican leaf in the filler and greater use of morron leaf makes this a very aromatic, rich and flavorful. Also look for a touch of herbs in this well-balanced smoke. Overall, a full, rich and very smooth cigar that delivers serious satisfaction. Consider pairing it with either a dark rum or your favorite bourbon.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.