The Puros Indios Cigar Company is, without a doubt, a family affair. Rolando Reyes, Sr., the living legend behind the Puros Indios brand, has been a master cigar maker for over 60 years. He has owned and operated hand-rolling factories in Havana, the Dominican Republic, Miami, New Jersey, as well as in Honduras. Over the past six decades, his vast experience has included jobs in every phase of cigar making including purchasing and processing tobacco, quality control, production supervision, and shipping and handling. You could say Don Rolando knows a bit about tobacco. As a matter of fact, Reyes is rare among many of today's cigar company owners and factory managers, in that he can actually roll cigars as well!
Don Rolando was born in Cuba and at 14, began a career in the cigar business. His 30 years of experience in the Cuban cigar industry included working at H.Upmann, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, as well as other major cigar factories. His own Havana factory was producing over 6 million premium cigars before it was confiscated by the Castro government in the early 60's. Reyes has a rather basic philosophy with respect to his business: "Our goal is that every cigar we make be a perfect cigar in its appearance, the way it burns, and in flavor - A true Work of Art."
The Puros Indios brand is rolled at the Reye's plantation in Danli, Honduras. The line has received high praise from numerous trade publications, rating from the high 80's to mid 90's in Cigar Aficionado. The line as a whole offers a very full, rich cigar smoking experience and is available in a myriad of sizes. Our panel enjoyed all of the Puros Indios samples received and was hard pressed to choose just three to feature this month. The vast experience and family tradition truly emerges in these superb cigars. We know you'll enjoy them. For more information about the Puros Indios Cigar Company, call 800-992-4427.
Immediately note a beautifully constructed cigar with an extraordinary oily wrapper. We found the draw to be easy and the burn consistent and even. Look for a full-flavored smoke loaded with sweet earthy flavors including cocoa, coffee bean and some leathery notes also evident. This extremely satisfying smoke ends slightly spicy. Overall, a full, rich, very complex cigar to be savored. Consider pairing this one with a hoppy India Pale Ale or your choice of a full-bodied bourbon.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.