Puros Indios cigars are handmade in Honduras with Cuban-seed filler and a rich, oily Ecuadorian wrapper. Employed in their production is the use of five nations’ tobaccos, including Ecuador, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Nicaragua. Working with complex blends is a talent of Cuban-trained cigar making legend Rolando Reyes, Sr. It’s his tobacco blending prowess that gives these cigars such majesty (not to mention their critical acclaim). Rated ’90’ by Cigar Aficionado, the magazine's editors raved: "A medium-to-full-bodied powerhouse. There are complex flavors of cocoa, leather and solid woodiness on the finish. Nice sheen and color, and it performed well." We’d have to agree with their analysis. But what they didn’t mention was the massive size of the particular specimen we’ve sent you. The Gordo is massive—just sit with it your hand for a moment—feel the weight? That’s a lot of tobacco friends… Some folks might even have a tough time with this one, as it requires you open up a bit wider than most of us are accustomed to while smoking our favorite stogies. If that’s an issue for you, you’ll get over it once you experience the flavor of this cigar, which is delivered via a near perfect draw (tough to achieve in a cigar of this ring gauge). This is a great bourbon-friendly cigar, or if you prefer beer, a well-hopped IPA makes a nice match.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.