The Puros Indios "Special-Aged" is special. Cuban-trained Rolando Reyes, Sr. is an industry legend with over 60 years of cigar making experience. Hailed as the world's best blender on many occasions, Reyes' cigars are acclaimed for their raw richness and complex layers of flavor. This big brown beauty was rolled in 1998 thus benefiting from an additional nine years of box-aging. The great news is we found this aromatic medium-bodied cigar as much a pleasure to smoke as it is aesthetically beautiful. It's handmade, of course, with an alluring oily, naturally-fermented Ecuadorian wrapper and a daring blend of Cuban-seed fillers: Brazilian, Dominican and Jamaican leaves. Flavors of cocoa and leather prevail with a solid woodiness on the finish. Complex but not overpowering, Puros Indios is the kind of stick you can smoke down to the nub. This is a great bourbon-friendly cigar, or if you prefer beer, a well-hopped IPA makes a nice match.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
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Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.