The Puros Indios cigar factory, run by Rolando Reyes, Sr., is located in Danlí, Honduras. With over 60 years of cigar making experience, you could say he knows a thing or two about making the perfect cigar. Viejo means "old" in Spanish and these babies warrant the moniker. The real highlight of the Viejo line is the fact that they have undergone an extensive amount of aging. According to Puros Indios’ president Carlos Diez, these puppies were resting in Reyes’ aging rooms in Danlí for “literally 6 years,” and that was several years ago. (Cigars continue to age beyond the formal aging process for a few years.) The vast majority of cigars sold are very young by comparison, aged anywhere from 30-90 days. For people who value a well-aged cigar, the Viejo is a phenomenal treat! The Viejo Indios combines Dominican and Nicaraguan long leaf filler leaves with a very tasty Brazilian filler leaf. We found this medium-bodied cigar to have a perfect draw and a nutty, floral aroma. Look for an earthy core complemented by a pleasant touch of sweetness and traces of woodiness. You can enjoy this smooth, Cigar Aficionado 91-rated smoke right down to the nub. Enjoy it with a Melville Estate Pinot Noir.
Honduras has been a tobacco growing and cigar manufacturing area for hundreds of years, but it was the Communist revolution in Cuba that really put Honduras on the map. In the 1960s, many Cuban cigar makers fled their homeland and arrived in Honduras to re-establish their way of life. The immigrants took advantage of the climate, soil, and geography, which were well-suited to tobacco growing, and began producing high quality cigars. The center of the Honduran cigar industry is the city of Danli and the nearby Jamastran Valley. The majority of the world’s pure Corojo tobacco is grown here, now that Cuba has stopped production of this iconic, spicy, and rich variety in favor of Corojo hybrids. Other important areas of Honduran cigar production include the Talanga Valley, Copan, and Trojes.
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