Regalos cigars are handmade in Honduras using a blend of all Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic, the most mountainous regions of Honduras, and in the Jalapa region of Nicaragua. This line of cigars has received high marks and is recommended by both Cigar Aficionado and Smoke magazines. We just love the shape of this one, listed as a Torpedo but perhaps better described as a Pyramide, it gives a large burn area and a very manageable head. This type of construction has the effect of funneling down the draw, delivering a powerful puff through its masterful design, and often making the cigar seem a bit stronger than it really is. This shape also makes for an ever evolving flavor experience as the relative amount of filtering and burning tobacco is constantly changing during the burn. We found that this one offered a very complex, flavorful, and thoroughly enjoyable smoking session. Look for a smooth buttery wrapper with an appealing oily sheen in this very well-constructed cigar. Expect a smooth and mellow start with a steady build toward loads of spicy, full flavor. Overall this is a cigar that goes a touch beyond medium-bodied, but not enough to scare off fans of a milder smoke. In fact, if you're looking to step up to a moderate- to full-bodied smoke, this is a great one to try. Consider smoking it with a Strong ale or an authentic Belgian Trappiste Tripel Abbey Ale.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.