The Romeo y Julieta brand is legendary, and hugely popular among premium cigar fans. The "Bully" is the brand's top-selling size. Handmade in La Romana, Dominican Republic, the Bully is the Dominican made version of the original Cuban brand, which originated in the 19th century. The Romeo y Julieta 1875 blend features Dominican Olor binders and Dominican, and interestingly, Pennsylvania fillers. Despite its relatively widespread appearance in the market, each cigar bears a rare wrapper—Indonesian TBN (an abbreviation for Tabaco Bawah Naungan, which translates to "tobacco under sheet," or shade-grown tobacco). We found that it burned with a characteristic white ash—stiff and solid—not surprising when you realize how densely packed with tobacco this cigar is. Its smooth, mellow taste is presented with a medium body and possesses a strong herbal quality, with prominent notes of aromatic cedar. Note the woody finish and strongly herbal, almost mentholated flavors and a minor note of lemon essence in the very pleasant aftertaste. For those of you who prefer tea to coffee, this cigar actually goes quite well with a cup of Earl Grey. Alternatively, try a smooth, floral sake as a liquid counterpart.
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