Somewhat new to the boutique cigar scene, Room101 Cigars may have an unusual name but the cigars are 100% legit. If you’re still not convinced on the quality of these handmades, they are made by one of the best boutique manufacturers on the market today, Camacho. Actually, Room101 Cigars was started by a chance meeting at an after party in Las Vegas by Room101 lifestyle founder Matt Booth and Camacho’s Christian Eiroa, and the duo have been working on this project ever since. After a brief hiatus, Matt Booth is back and breathing new life into the brand. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, the Shogun Connecticut is built with a thick Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that secures a Dominican Habano binder and superior Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers, and is then laid down for a very long nap. The Shogun boasts notes of wood and creamed coffee with a long, creamy finish that sits heavy on the palate. Mellow in body but medium in flavor, try pairing this smoke with a Pinot Noir.
The Nicaraguan cigar industry originated when Cuban cigar makers escaped the revolution and re-established their livelihood in Nicaragua with Cuban-seed tobacco. Blessed with dark, rich soil, their new home was ideal for tobacco cultivation and Nicaragua quickly became known for cigars that rivaled Cuban quality. Unfortunately, revolution and war came to Nicaragua in the 1980s and devastated the industry, but it’s rebounded dramatically and is once again producing tobacco considered by many to be the finest in the world.
The Esteli Valley is in many ways the heart of Nicaraguan production and is known for its very powerful and spicy tobacco. The Jalapa Valley produces arguably the finest tobacco in the country: somewhat sweeter and less intense than Esteli, but extremely complex. The tobacco of the Condega Valley is often described as a blend of the other two regions.
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