A worldwide favorite, this venerable Cuban brand has been around, in many guises, for decades. First manufactured in Cuba, then the Dominican Republic, the Saint Luis Rey Rothschild is now hand-rolled in Danli, Honduras. Using a hefty blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran filler, this "re-mastered" version of the cigar maintains the rich, medium-bodied Habano smoking experience of its predecessors.
Triple-capped and wrapped in a thick, oily Nicaraguan leaf, its construction is flawless. This is truly a complex smoke. Rarely have panelists reported so many flavors, mostly sweet: coconut, chocolate, vanilla, honey and cinnamon, among others. Some noted grassy, woody, leathery and coffee notes. Fruity, floral aromas predominate. This Saint Luis Rey draws beautifully and burns evenly with a strong, dark ash and a great aromatic plume. This is a stogie that can be smoked to the nub without burning the tongue or losing its flavor. Definitely not one-dimensional, the Saint Luis Rey is a joy to smoke. Because it's so complex your favorite bourbon or dark rum will do it justice.
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