This brand originated in Cuba and today's Dominican manufactured cigar was introduced in 1992 with the Cabinet Selection. The Yellow Series (which is what you have received) and Cabinet Selection utilize a Connecticut Shade wrapper with Dominican binders and fillers, while the Blue Series offers a Habana 2000 wrapper grown in Nicaragua with a Dominican binder and Brazilian, Dominican and Connecticut Broadleaf fillers.
Without a doubt, this cigar has the softest wrapper we have ever felt. Absolutely beautiful to hold and even better to smoke, we can see why so many people swear by this one. A medium-bodied cigar with a nutty character and dry finish, this will go well with a Cabernet or Merlot. As smooth a cigar as you will find, make sure you have plenty of time to smoke this since we guarantee we aren’t going to want to put this out.
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Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.