We list this cigar as coming from the Dominican Republic, and while it is produced there at Tabacalera de Garcia in La Ramadan, its blend of Nicaraguan binders and a complex long leaf blend of Dominican, Brazilian and Nicaraguan tobaccos, all draped in a soft Nicaraguan Habana 2000 wrapper, make for a truly multinational cigar. The wrapper, appearing on a very limited number of the world's cigars, has characteristics of both Connecticut shade leaves and Cuban-seed tobacco and contributes to the unique flavor of this cigar. It recently received a rating of 92' by Cigar Aficionado's Insiderone of the highest ever ratings for a non-Cuban brand. The Nicaraguan H-2000 wrapper helps add a robust punch to this particular Santa Damiana, usually regarded as a mild brand. An additional spiciness is imparted by the Brazilian tobaccos, culminating in a cigar that is full-flavored, yet mild-to-medium-bodied. Look for notes of leather and cinnamon that beautifully balance one another amidst an elaborate interplay between varied tobaccos; never competing with one another, these tobaccos instead marry together flawlessly. We break from tradition here and suggest that you try this cigar straight up with Cruzan Pineapple Rum for a surprisingly pleasant combination.
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