The Signature Collection, introduced back in the 1990s, was one of the finest new brands of cigars introduced in that decade. They were consistently acclaimed by Cigar Aficionado and, at one time, they were ranked among the top 40 brands in the world. This Churchill is wrapped in a smooth Ecuadorian leaf with long leaf fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The Signature Collection line of cigars are aged an extra 5 years and offer a mellow, medium bodied experience. Look for a pleasantly sweet flavor with undertones of spice and earthy characteristics. A couple of our panel members even said they tasted some espresso and nutmeg! Our first reaction was, 'You guys have gotta be smokin' something!' and then we realized that obviously they were! Overall, this a well balanced cigar that is very enjoyable to smoke at any time of the day. This may sound like an odd pairing, but consider firing it up with a wee bit of peppermint schnapps on the rocks.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.