The E. Trinidad Churchill by Sosa is handmade in the USA - in "Little Havana" Miami, FL to be exact. These cigars are the product of over 180 years of combined cigar making experience by the Sosa and Trinidad families. Juan B. Sosa, master cigar blender, heads up the manufacturing and distribution of these cigars, through the Antillian Cigar Corporation. Antillian sells five brands; three from the Dominican Republic - Sosa, Sosa Family Selection, and Macabi; Royal Honduras from, well, Honduras; and Imperio Cubano, which are made in the Little Havana region of Miami. This Churchill is hand made with an Ecuadorian-grown Sumatran wrapper, Dominican filler, and Indonesian binder. It is a full bodied cigar that is well made with a smooth oily wrapper. A rich, delicious cigar. Look for a medium bodied, complex leather character and roasted coffee bean undertones. Some sweet spices and hints of ripe fruit were also noted.
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