Producing Dominican, Honduran and Ecuadorian lines, Carlos Toraño has long been a well-respected name in the tobacco industry. Toranos are made of the finest Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, Mexican and Honduran binders, as well as aged Connecticut seed wrappers, hand-crafted under the supervision of Cuban tobacco masters. Each cigar represents four generations of family tradition that began in 1916, shortly after Don Santiago Toraño arrived in Cuba from his native Spain. In the mid 1960's, his son Carlos made a significant contribution to the industry when he introduced the concept of growing Cuban seed tobacco plants ("Piloto Cubano" seed) to the Dominican Republic.
The Signature Selection is a medium-to-full-bodied Dominican beauty, rolled with a Sun-Grown Brazilian Maduro wrapper. Close your eyes, take a whiff and you're transported to your favorite coffee shop or European café. Panelists found no soft spots in this even, slow burning, expertly crafted cigar. Both the binder and filler are Piloto Cubano. Together with the toothy wrapper, they make for a rich, robust flavor—roasted coffee and cocoa with hints of leather and spice. The finish is sweet and woody and leaves no harsh aftertaste on the palate. Complement your Signature Selection with Bailey's, Kahlua or your favorite coffee liquor.
Outstanding Values On Top-Rated Cigars
Our purchasing power allows us to offer exceptional reorder values on highly rated
cigars such as
Rocky Patel's Decade Torpedo, rated 95 in Cigar Aficionado.