The Victory Spirit, hand-rolled by Carlos Torano, was originally created to celebrate the 1996 Olympic Summer Games. The Carlos Toraño cigar brands have long since been a well-respected name in the tobacco industry, producing Dominican, Honduran and Ecuadorian lines. Carlos Toraño cigars are made of the finest Dominican and Nicaraguan Cuban seed fillers, Mexican and Honduran binders, and aged Connecticut seed wrappers, hand-crafted under the supervision of Cuban tobacco masters. Each Toraño cigar represents four generations of family tradition began in 1916, shortly after Don Santiago Toraño arrived in Cuba from his native Spain. In the mid 1960’s, his son Carlos made a significant contribution to the industry when he introduced the concept of growing Cuban Seed tobacco plants in the Dominican Republic.
As the official cigar of the games, they were rolled with some of the finest and most expensive premium leaves that Carlos Torano could get his hands on. The Cuban seed Nicaraguan long-filler and smooth, sweet Indonesian wrapper have been aged for a guaranteed minimum of 4 years - this aging and careful blending yields a mild yet very flavorful and satisfying blend.
Carlos Torano’s Victory Spirit Churchill starts out mellow with hints of cedar and a toasted nut aroma. We found the draw to be slightly firm, yet open enough to get plenty of smoke volume. This is a medium-bodied creamy cigar that offers a pronounced herbal character. Look for a lingering earthy, nutty finish. Overall, a full flavored, complex balance of tastes. Try pairing it with a malty sweet amber ale.
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